The Rutschke Family

The Rutschke Family

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

15 months: "New" Tricks!

So the last time I updated all the things Aben has learned to do was 10 months. So much has changed since then! Aben has grown up into a little boy...he is definitely not my little baby anymore :(.

Since 10 months Aben's "new" tricks are:

  • Says "ma ma, da da, uh oh, ouch, ow, ya, no, hat, hot, up, out, bath, ball, num num, cheese, socks, shoes, na na (for banana)".
  • Knows what dogs, monkeys, lions, and cats say
  • Signs milk, more
  • Walks all over the place (started this at 13 months)
  • Still loves climbing up and down the stairs, and absolutely loves throwing things down the stairs
  • Loves putting lids on and off of containers
  • Rides in a front facing car seat! This has made our lives on rides so much more enjoyable!
  • Dances with his arms in the air and stomps his feet
  • Loves being chased
  • Loves teasing! He now sticks his finger up his nose to tease us. He also started refusing to say "ma ma" because he thinks it's funny to call me "da da". 
  • He still loves food, but is definitely more picky. He also loves feeding himself. He doesn't like us to really help...which can make things difficult sometimes because he isn't too coordinated with forks and spoons just yet.
  • Loves being read books
  • Is finally starting to go to sleep on his own for naps. 
  • Spins/walks in circles
  • Loves playing by himself in the mornings
  • Wakes up signing milk and saying "na na". He loves a cup of warm milk and a banana for breakfast.
I love my goofy, handsome boy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

10 Of My Favorite Things

10 Things I love.....
  1. When Aben dances: he shakes his booty, picks up his feet and stomps them back down, and moves his arms all around.
  2. How Aben moves his eyebrows when he is drinking: especially chocolate milk and yummy juice!
  3. When he eats something he likes he says "MMMM!" and gets really happy.
  4. Loves bath time! And has figured out how to climb up on the shelf in the bathtub...slightly dangerous but really cute.
  5. How he laughs when he's thrown in the air.
  6. How he starts to breath really fast and move as fast as he can when we tell him we're going to get him and start to chase him.
  7. Loves being scared by mom or dad.
  8. Pokes his head around you to look you in the face to say "hello".
  9. Randomly sprawls out on the floor and cuddles his blankey.
  10. Sean has worked so hard at teaching Aben this new trick, and I have to admit, I absolutely love it. Aben now on cue will do an 'evil' chuckle...."Ha, Ha, Ha". Of course, it doesn't sound evil when Aben does it but rather absolutely hilarious and adorable. Oh how I love my boy!  
There are a million other things I absolutely love about this boy but these are some of my 'favorites', if you can have favorites. Aben has been such a joy in our lives. It's hard to remember what life was like before kids. When I do think back, it just seems like it must have been so dull! (I love you Sean! ;) ). No, I do love my alone time with my hubby, but children really do bring true joy into your life!