The Rutschke Family

The Rutschke Family

Friday, January 20, 2012

All in just ONE week!

It's amazing how much a baby can learn in just one week! One week, Sean and I were trying to force Aben to roll onto his tummy from his back, but he would always refuse! He hated being on his stomach. The next week, he suddenly started rolling onto his stomach all the time! It's like a light bulb went on and he realized there were so many more toys he could get to if he simply rolled over :). Once he finally rolled over, Sean and I started to talk about how he still seemed to be far from sitting on his own. Aben was doing okay sitting up, but would constantly tip side-to-side if one of us wasn't sitting right behind him. But of course, the very next day, I decided to give it another try and sat Aben up, and what do you know....
He was suddenly a pro!
Aben now loves to sit up and play. It is definitely his preferred position to play in and he does so good. He hardly ever tips over- if he does, it's usually because he is trying to get a toy that is just a little too far away. I love how curious and persistent Aben is. Now that he's sitting up, I can tell he is ready to be able to crawl all over the place. He just wants to be able to get to everything he can see! What a joy he is!
(P.S. Even though I graduated from BYU, I am a definite Utes fan...and what can I say...Aben looks pretty awesome in his Utes outfit!)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Already 6 months old!

My baby boy is already 6 months old! He has grown so much! He's gone from learning how to breastfeed, to scarfing down solids as fast as he can get them. He is such a joy and I can't picture life without him. While I love the stage he is in right now, I miss the precious newborn stage. I miss how little he use to be and how he could fit on my chest completely stretched out. I miss how little his clothes used to be! He was a beautiful newborn, but he somehow gets more handsome every day. Turning 6 months old made me realize how fast time goes and how quickly things change. I just had to go back and look at my favorite pictures of Aben.

Aben's first day home

Aben's first bath. You can tell he already loves his daddy and how much his daddy loves him!

Aben at 10 days old

Aben at 2 weeks old

Aben's baby blessing at 1 1/2 months old

Almost 2 months-I just love how his dimples are starting to show more!

Aben 2 1/2 months old and getting so big!

Aben at 5 months old!

Aben at Christmas

My little boy is growing up! With starting solids and getting new teeth, he just seems so big to me now. I love how happy he is-just look at our Christmas picture! I love how he now plays with us and interacts so much more. It's so fun to watch him play with his toys and talk while he is playing. I love how he is learning to make new sounds and how excited he gets when he discovers something new. I love how he looks back at you when you are holding him to make sure you're still there and give you a sweet smile. I love how he laughs all the time. His laugh is the best sound in the whole world! I love his big lips and his big smile! He definitely got that handsome feature from his daddy. I love how he is starting to squeal when he gets excited, especially when he sees his solid food. While I love how he has grown, I sure miss my little newborn. But what a joy each new days is. What I love most of all is the time I now have to spend with my boy!